2021, a slow blink.
Whose rule is it anyway? Written and Unwritten Freedoms in the Academy
Caution: Academic Job Market Success May Cause Side Effects
Curb Your Enthusiasm?
Relocation, Reinvention: All the Possibilities of Ourselves
Curating a capsule wardrobe
You Deserve Nice Things: Shopping at the Clearance Rack
A personal guide to meaningful thrifting
Botox or Notox? (2 of 2)
Botox or Notox? (1 of 2)
Am I Radical Enough? Tattoos, Jewelry, Hair…
Talking summer, breaks, and the expectations of work.
Clean Beauty Or Your Grandmother’s Home Remedies
The Contours of the Rules
Being Asian American in Academia
So, I haven't worn foundation in a year.
Does this outfit match my CV?
Zoom Wear: Don’t get caught in your décolleté
The Political Language of Fashion: when your body becomes a statement (first installment)
"The" Year of Women in Color